Vitamin C Benefits for Skin


Vitamin C is legendary for its magical work on the skin. This powerful antioxidant enhances immunity, protects against cancer, works as anti-inflammatory, great for skin, improves skin tone and texture, hydrate the skin, and reduces signs of aging.

You can get vitamin C in fruits and vegetables, but that’s not the only way to enjoy its benefits for skin health—it’s widely used in cosmetic products including most of the Purec Egyptian products. Researchers have discovered that when it comes to healthy skin, topical vitamin C is significantly more effective than consuming it.

Using skin care products made with Vitamin C can not only brighten your complexion but also protect against skin damage caused by sun exposure and harmful free radicals. This potent antioxidant is commonly used in face cleansers, serums, oils, and lotions.

How Vitamin C Supports Skin Care

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid—is a water-soluble nutrient that plays a  vital role in keeping your skin healthy. Topical vitamin C is clinically proven to have a wide range of clinical applications thanks to its antioxidant, antiaging, ant pigmentary properties. This great nutrient offers many benefits for the skin, including the following:

1: Prevent wrinkles and fine lines

It so annoying when your skin shows aging signs such as wrinkles. Vitamin C works beautifully to prevent and reduce these unwanted signs by enhancing collagen synthesis in your body. Two study results found that a higher intake of vitamin C was associated with good skin appearances and topical application of vitamin C for 12 weeks has been shown to decrease the wrinkling of the skin, smoothening of the skin, and increase the production of collagen.

2: UVA/UVB Protection

Prolonged sun exposure can affect your skin tremendously like skin tanning, rough skin, redness of the skin, etc. The topical application of vitamin C works as an antioxidant to protect your skin from UV rays. Combinations of vitamin C and vitamin E are more effective in preventing the skin from sun damage than vitamin C alone.

3: Helps keep the skin hydrated

A high intake of vitamin C helps to decrease dryness of skin and provides great skin hydration. Ascorbic acid retains water in the skin and prevents it from becoming dry and oily.

4: Promotes Healing

Vitamin C help wounds heal faster. You could take supplements, get more of the nutrient in your diet, or apply it to your skin. All help close open sores — especially in people who don’t already get enough of the it. The vitamin helps the body produce the collagen necessary wound healing.

5 Boosts Collagen

Collagen is naturally present in your skin and helps keep it from sagging, but your body slows down collagen production as you age. Vitamin C applied to the skin can encourage production of new collagen. It also helps maintain the collagen you you already have and protects the precious protein from damage.

6: Lowers dark pigmentation of the skin

Dark pigmentation also is known as hyperpigmentation of the skin is caused due to excessive production of melanin. Melanin is a pigment that gives color to your skin. Hyperpigmentation is generally not harmful but for beauty purposes, topical application of vitamin C can lower the dark spots.

Why vitamin C is highly recommended for skin

Vitamin C is not just limited to its antioxidants properties but it is beyond it. Since vitamin C is highly acidic, it works efficiently in skin-healing processes. When it applies topically, it works instantly to heal a wound by accelerating the production of collagen and elastin. Collagen and elastin are both protein fibers that enhance skin cell regeneration and make your skin firm and tight. Collagen also helps to delay the aging process of the skin and prevent dark pigmentation.



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